Shanghai Expo ZED Pavilion
Projects / Public Buildings
Shanghai Expo ZED Pavilion
Project Information
Client: Empeendimentas
Project Date: 2009-2012
Site Location: Shanghai, China
Project Status: Construction Finished
Gross Floor Area: 2897m2
The ZED Pavilion at Shanghai EXPO 2010 is an exemplar building showing howzero carbon architecture can be achieved in the Chinese climate (2010)
The ZED Pavillion enjoys an excellent position next to the west entrance of the former UBPA 2010 Shanghai World EXPO site. This four-story pavilion provides 2500sqm of exhibiton space, demonstrating that a step change reduction in our carbon footprint is possible, at the same time as achieving an increase in the overall quality of life for everyone. Explaining the health, lifestyle and commercial benefits that acommpany this approach is one of the pavilion priorities.The Shanghai Expo ZEDpavilion was not only designed to be a zero carbon building,it also provides the basis for a zero carbon lifestyle.From food to clothing, transport to consumer goods,leisure activities and work practices, we need to consider the environmental impact of all human endeavors. The series of events, exhibitions andactivities held in the pavilion informed and inspiredvisitors; showing that a zero carbon lifestyle ispossible, enjoyable, fun and rewarding.
ZEDfactory have carried out extensive researchinto how to design buildings and road layoutsto suit different climatic conditions around theworld. The north south oriented buildings havebeen designed so they can be replicated to createa whole walkable urban block with high levels ofgreen space.
Replicability of the Urban Block
The ZEDpavilion has been designed to be easilyreplicable, promoting a vibrant street sceneechoing the social urban construct of oldShanghai. Public spaces between buildings, thatcan be shaded in Summer, act as an outdoorliving room. On a large scale pocket parks arecreated between buildings acting as social hubs,re-introducing much needed green spaces intothe city.Intrusion from parking and vehicular accessis kept to a minimum by keeping cars to theedges of urban blocks as much as possible.This increases the amount of space allocated topedestrian areas.The internal layout of the ZEDpavilion modelwould allow for a live/work community, withoffice space on the lower two levels andmaisonettes above.
Exhibition - Zero carbon culture & The eco challenge
Each chair made for ZED factory by a CAFA art student from reclaimed materials on a budget of £100 for Shanghai Expo ZEDpavillion auditorium - showing how everyone can be different in a low carbon futrue.
ZED Cafe & Bar
With an internal floor area of 111sqm, and an externalseating area of over 200sqm, the baris ideal for lunch, dinner and cocktail parties.The external bar also ties in perfectly with fashionshows held on the catwalk.Internal seating capacity is 62 and the external plazacan accommodate upto 92 guests.The undulating, organically formed suspendedCeiling, created from recycled glass bottles, coversthe entirety of the bars ceiling.Lit from above this sculptural piece creates adiffused, mottled light effect in the bar area.